Educational activities
STC Rosseti FGC UES - is the publisher of two scientific and technical journals

of a single grid
Scientific-Technical Journal
The scientific and technical journal Energy of the Unified Grid is one of the leading industry publications in the electric grid sector
The goals and objectives of the scientific and technical journal Energy of the Unified Grid are to satisfy the need for industry-specific scientific and technical information, consolidate information on the results of research, development, and implementation of the most advanced technologies, materials, and equipment in the electric grid sector.
The journal has been published since 2012 and is intended for specialists, engineering and technical personnel and top managers of the power grid complex, power market participants, researchers of research institutes and design organizations, teachers and students of power and technical universities, employees of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and specialized agencies.
The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed publications of VAK and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

The main readership of the RUM magazine consists of design, installation and power grid companies, including CIS countries; manufacturers and suppliers of electrical equipment, structures, materials and systems for substations and transmission lines, educational and research institutes, power consumers.
total circulation
printed publications

and suppliers
of electrical
Duma, sectoral
research institutes, etc.
at industry